
Legal services for foreigners in Argentina

We are a professional team that offers high quality legal services for persons living or willing to live and do business in Argentina.


Expert Legal Advice

As experts in foreign clients, we help them in their legal situation related to Argentina, from their immigration to civil or business law matters.We specialize in foreign-oriented international law, providing a personalized and high-quality professional service.We work from our office in the City of Buenos Aires and we also give remote services and local representation to clients living abroad.

Our team of  immigration lawyers, solicitors and interdisciplinary consultants is oriented to provide pragmatic and holistic solutions to our corporate and individual clients' needs.

Our mission is to protect client’s privacy  and help them to achieve their goals with regard the country.

Professional legal services for your most important issues related to Argentina

We leverage a suite of solutions that enable us to bring our national and international expertise to our clients no matter where in the world they are living.

We represent foreign clients in obtaining transitory, temporary or permanent residence in Argentina, designing a specific strategy for each type of profile, taking into account their personal, family and professional objectives over the time. We also provide consultancy services for the management of visas at Argentine consulates abroad as well as appeals in case of visa denials.

We represent our clients, whether they are in Buenos Aires, in other provinces of Argentina or abroad in obtaining Argentine citizenship, making all the necessary legal filings at different stages of the process. Also we provide personalized support to help ease the burden of complex immigration consular processing

In addition to our immigration services, those clients willing to carry out their business or investment in Argentina can count on our advisory, design, financial and legal planning services in order to develop their projects in the country.

We make a specific design for each type of client, whether corporate or individual, in terms of tax planning according to their immigration status. We also work in the design of financial planning for future investments, estate planning, wills and donations.

Our team has extensive experience in all matters related to civil law, both national and international. We advise and represent foreign and national clients living abroad in different patrimonial and family matters, such as inheritance, wills, contracts, investments, family, among others.

We facilitate mobility processes designing a tailor made program for foreigners enterprises, entrepreneurs and businesses willing to relocate their workers and enterprises in Argentina.

Our experienced, skilled immigration litigation to help you resolve complex situations. We provide legal advice and representation for clients who have been denied in their immigration application process. We evaluate each particular case to advise the client on the best strategy for a court litigation case.

Our team of researchers helps foreign organizations or individuals who wish to carry out commercial actions or personal projects in Argentina to know all the technical aspects to be able to carry out their activities in the territory. From a multidisciplinary perspective, we prepare analytical reports that include all the regulatory details to be taken into consideration in order to develop activities in the local market, providing comprehensive solutions according to the needs of each of our clients.

Full Consultation Service with your local attorney in Argentina

Our full consultation service is carried out through a meeting where we not only analyze each particular case but also the client will have access to a legal strategy design, according to the reason for the consultation. Our consulting services are designed to give the client the necessary time to develop his consultation, to know important details regarding his plans or specific problem and to be able to provide a concrete and specific answer to his immigration, civil or corporate law consultations. We take care of explaining all institutional and procedural aspects of Argentine and international law

Because we know how important time and decision making is, we have decided to carry out our «no hidden information» policy, which aims to be as exhaustive as possible in sharing relevant data so that the client has all the necessary information to be able to move forward in their projects.


Other Services

You need legal or personal documentation to be managed locally or sent abroad?

Our international documentation management agency carries out all matters related to the preparation, revision, reception, sending, translation, and apostille of documentation for our clients residing abroad and in Argentina. This service is designed for those who need a reliable agency to handle their private documents.


León Unger

Senior Partner
Head of Case Management

Speciality: Immigration Law, Criminal Law, Tax Law & Litigation

Analía Aspis

Senior Partner
Director of Operations and Research

Speciality: International Law, Immigration Law, Business and ICT Law
Legal Excellence, Personalized Service

City of Buenos Aires

WhatsApp (text only)
+54 (9) 11 2834 6331
